Karuna Reiki means “an action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others,” it can also be defined as the Reiki of Compassion. Karuna Reiki is healing energy which assists us in awakening universal compassion and the wisdom in one’s soul. When combined with energy, our state of consciousness in compassion has a great transformational power. Karuna Reiki is derived from a collection of “additional symbols” where some came along with attunement processes. Although many of the symbols used in Karuna Reiki are similar as those used in other systems and schools, the intention and attunement of Karuna Reiki is different, and the energies connected to it are unique to the system.
This amazing form of energy is ranked the 4th level on the Reiki Usui scale (Usui Reiki being levels 1-3) to the 25th Grandmaster Level. Karuna Ki Reiki includes 3 levels/degrees of instruction: First, Second and Third Master Levels/Degrees.
Chanting and toning is included in Karuna Reiki in order to deepen the healing process. As a physical carrier wave for the Karuna Reiki, the vibration of the voice is an energy for it to travel on causing healing energies to penetrate more deeply into the cells and tissues. Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. When one develops Karuna, not only are they helping and healing themselves, they are sharing in the healing and helping of others on this Earth as well. As we help others and aid them in their healing process, all beings benefit.
In level one, you will be taught the first four symbols from Karuna Ki with a proper attunement. As with Usui Reiki, there is another attunement at the end of the 21 days of healing and detoxing and then you will also receive a book and a certificate. Certificate and Book will be emailed and I will need your email address for same.
Healing Properties
Karuna Reiki techniques assist in healing or facilitating: addictive behavior, allergies, anxiety, chakra balancing, chemotherapy, developing healthy habits, karmic issues, mental focus and grounding, physical injuries-emergencies, resistance to healing, and spiritual growth. What Karuna Reiki does for us in part is help our energy system become more fully activated.
Workshop begins promptly and taking approximately 4 hours giving time to practice and settle. Please find yourself a room where you will not be disturbed and dress comfortable. Have a pen and notebook to take notes.
Since this class will be on Zoom.+ You will have to provide copy of the Usui Reiki Master/Teacher Certificate either via messenger or email.
Level 2 and 3 are also available for separate fee.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Message me about our partial scholarship program, if you feel you need it.