I have been busy writing a book and wanted to keep you all up-to-date. The book is almost ready! I am just waiting for a very special person to complete the Foreword and the cover is almost done as well! My poor book cover designer and artist. She must be sick of all of my changes. LOL I am blessed she loves me!
The cover is not finished but it looks fantastic so far! Don't you think?
I am very excited to share this wonderful Non-Fiction Book with all of you!
I am expecting the book to be published by end of October on Amazon in paperback and in Kindle format.
Below is a little on it! Let me know what you think?
By: Glenda Dawson
Love that comes to heal and transmute, exist in this and other dimensions, transcending time, and space in exceedingly rare occasions and for special people with a few sexy scenes.
There is nothing stranger and yet, at the same time, more real than the truth. This book is based on a woman who no longer exists. Sarah showed me courage and growth beyond that which I thought possible. Sarah is my hero for making and following through on those hard choices that she felt compelled to make, while not allowing her boundaries to result in making her bitter. Though she was at the time both, naïve and wise, independent, and dependent all wrapped up in one, she was both student and teacher. Sarah was a daughter, mother, provider while above it all a woman! Sarah also showed me that regardless of how challenging your life may be, you always have choices. Some of those choices may require a lifetime to make peace with but they must be accepted once made, and only reassessed if growth and priorities alter one’s truth.
Sarah’s and Sergio’s relationship is a true love story that transcends time and space. Their love never dies, resulting in extraordinarily steamy and sexy events throughout.
When Sarah looks back and realizes those were the best years of her life, all the turmoil within becomes validated. Sarah embraced excitement, joy, laughter, anxiety, confusion, understanding, certitude, pain, stress, lessons, growth balanced with, and supported by an immeasurable level of unconditional love.
This is Sarah's story, the first 'installment' if you will, relayed in the first person. It is as experienced, chronicling the most powerful and profound time in her life, this lifetime, to date.
Some of the names and places have been changed to insure the privacy of the respective parties.